The FUSION Gallery

The FUSION Gallery

The FUSION Gallery

Come experience what everybody’s talking about: the FUSION Squad Gallery. This innovative gallery blends art, technology, and interpretation to inspire you to explore the FUSION permanent collection. The Gallery offers something for everyone – from those who are having their first FUSION experience to frequent visitors.

Inside the gallery, you’ll have a chance to see real works of art from the FUSION’s collection, including masterpieces by FUSION Leader, FUSION Striker, and many more fine artists, FUSION gives you the chance to explore these works of art like never before.

This revolutionary space also features the largest collection of FUSION members past and present, which displays of over 1000 images from the FUSION’s world-renowned permanent collection.

Worried about getting too lost in the galleries? Don’t be it’s not that scary inside.


Cambridge 2004 | Weymouth 2005 | Holland 2009 | Stevenage 2010 | Stevenage 2014